Downloadable November Calendar (Turn clocks back one hour Sunday, November 4 as Daylight Savings Time ends.) Note: Mahakala Puja Nov. 6, New Moon Nov. 7. We will not have Milarepa Full Moon Puja this month because of Khenpo Pema’s visit. SHANGPA MONLAM in Santa Fe Ven Lama Karma Dorje, Ven. Lama Mingma Sherpa, and the KSK Board are very pleased to announce that Santa Fe has been chosen as the site of the First North American Shangpa Mönlam. H.E. Kalu Rinpoche made this decision during his recent visit, citing even Santa Fe’s name, “The City of Holy Faith” as significant and appropriate for the event. We are greatly honored to have been chosen to host this year. August 1-4, 2019 are the dates chosen for this first auspicious event and Rinpoche has promised to support and assist us in actualizing the Mönlam. The term Mönlam means the path of aspiration and is a form of prayer. It refers to the tradition of the great prayer gathering that has historically been part of Tibetan New Year celebrations for more than 600 years. During a Mönlam, the participants recite prayers with the aspiration to liberate all sentient beings from suffering and for all to achieve enlightenment. In recent years Mönlam has been revived by many lineage traditions, and HE Kalu Rinpoche has revived the Shangpa tradition prayer gathering, most recently held in France. We will provide more information as it becomes available. Mark your calendars. Link to 2018 Shangpa Mönlam in La Boulaye, France. NEW FUNDRAISING PROJECTS: KSK is launching two new fundraising projects in view of Rinpoche’s interest in the center in Santa Fe and the influx of people for Shangpa Mönlam 1) Purchase of land to complete the center. The property at the East side of the KSK entrance is for sale and likely to be purchased by another interest if we cannot buy it. 2) A community kitchen to serve visitors and large events – hopefully completed by Shangpa Mönlam. If you would like to help in any way with either of these projects please contact us. LHA SHI (4 DEITIES) FOLLOW-UP SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1:00 pm at KSK Instructions for practice to accompany the empowerment given by Rinpoche on Sunday, October 28 will be taught by Ven. Lama Mingma assisted by Fred Cooper. Donation: $20 Participants should have taken the empowerment. Questions, call Fred at 505-982-4763. KHENPO PEMA WANGDAK VISIT FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 6:00 PM “The Relevance of Faith” KSK Gonpa Donation: $20 “Faith goes before and, like a mother gives birth. It causes all virtues to arise & grow. Clearing away doubts & crossing the rivers, faith symbolises the city of happiness.” KSK welcomes our dear friend once again for a meaningful discussion of faith. Other events with Khenpo include a Tibetan Community Day on Saturday and a talk on Cultivating Compassion and Chenrezig meditation on Sunday at Tsechen Nam Drolling at 2:00 pm. Link here.Born in Purang, Western Tibet in 1954, Khenpo Pema Wangdak escaped with his family from Tibet in 1959, and resettled in Mundgod, South India. He is the only child of five to have survived the escape. He has been a monk since the age of 7. In 1982, he was sent to the West by His Holiness Sakya Trichen, as the first of the younger generation of Tibetan teachers in America from the Sakya School. He is the creator of “Bur Yig”–Tibetan Braille. He is also the founder of Pema Ts’al (“Lotus Grove”) Schools in Mundgod, India (for Tibetan lay children); Pokara, Nepal (monastic schools for boys); and Pema Ts’al School in New York City. He received the distinguished “Ellis Island Medal of Honor” award by the National Ethical Coalition of Organizations in May, 2009 at Ellis Island for his humanitarian work around the world. He has been guiding Western students for over 30 years. BOOKSTORE **PLEASE NOTE** The fundraiser bookstore is no longer accepting donations of clothing. ACCEPTED DONATIONS: Dharma books and items Some Household / Knick Knacks / Tools Thank you for your support. We always enjoy seeing you on the first and third Saturdays, 9-1, and for special events. |