Dr. Fred Cooper, KSK President and long-time student of HE Tai Situpa Rinpoche, will teach on Garab Dorje’s Last Three Statements March 5 & 12. Garab Dorje was the first Vidyadhara of the Dzogchen Lineage. Born in the 7th century, Garab Dorje is said to have received teachings directly from Vajrasattva, after which he began teaching “The Great Perfection” or Dzogchen. The Three Statements are his last teaching, given to his primary disciple, and are said to contain the whole of Dzogchen in them.
The Last Three Statements of Garab Dorje
the first Vidyadhara of the Dzogchen Lineage
March 5 and March 12
10AM-Noon and 1PM-3PM
1) Introducing directly the face of Rigpa (one’s true nature)
2) One attains certainty about this natural state
3) Confidence directly in the liberation of rising thoughts.
This teaching and transmission by Dr. Fred Cooper will be
according to the Commentary by Patrul Rinpoche as elaborated
on by VV Mingyur Rinpoche. A good foundation in Shamatha-Vipashana [Shine-Lhatong] is necessary in order to benefit
from this teaching.
Professor Cooper is President of KSK Buddhist Center and a close disciple of
H.E. Khentin T’ai Situ Rinpoche. He received these teachings from VV Mingyur
Rinpoche. He has taught for over 30 years at Kagyu Centers around the world.
He is currently associated with the Santa Fe Institute and The Center for
Nonlinear Studies at LANL.
Contact cooper@santafe.edu for the ZOOM link and how to make offerings.
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