July 1 Mahamudra Aspiration Prayer

1-5 pm Saturday, July 1 at the Bodhi Stupa, KSK, and over Zoom, Dr. Fred Cooper will share H.E. Tai Situpa’s Commentary on the 3rd Karmapa’s “Aspiration Prayer of Mahamudra.” Attendees should have a stable practice of Calm Abiding and Insight Meditation to benefit most from this teaching. The reading...

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New schedule of practices

As of June, 2023, KSK is resuming a regular schedule of practices with Sunday Green Tara, Sunday & Wednesday Chenrezig, Full Moon & Mahakala practices. (No New Moon puja for now.) Call 505-490-7242 for more information. For information on Zoom practices, contact Fred Cooper.  

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Kalu Rinpoche in New Mexico

SANTA FE   May 19-21  NIGUMA YOGA TAOS (Tres Orejas)   May 23-24   AMULET MAHAMUDRA TRUTH or CONSEQUENCES   May 27-28   NIGUMA & CHENREZIG empowerments. Select the Event on the events calendar for  details and contact information.

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Lama Dorje Book Is Out!

Alice Herter’s wonderful book about Lama Dorje, Let Them, has just been published on Amazon and is available in paperback or Kindle edition here. Look forward to enjoyable and inspiring reading about our great teacher’s life. Lama Dorje’s 90th Birthday is coming up May 25, and we will have special...

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Kalu Rinpoche teaches Niguma Yoga

Kalu Rinpoche, recognizing that certain physical yoga practices could give a boost to students’ practices and establish more clarity of mind, has developed a teaching on Niguma yoga that he will share with us on May 19-21. Click here for Rinpoche’s complete USA tour. Rinpoche will also teach Amulet Mahamudra...

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Buddha’s Great Miracles

Full Moon, March 7, 2023. Buddha’s Great Miracles, Chötrül Düchen, is the first major Buddhist festival of the new year and celebrates the 15 miracles that Shakyamuni Buddha performed on 15 consecutive dayso in to subdue his opponents and to inspire faith in his students. We will celebrate this date...

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Lösar Day Celebration

We welcome the Year of the female, water rabbit on Feb. 21. Ven. Lama Mingma will lead a Fire Puja and White Tara Puja for Tibetan New Year, Tuesday, February 21, beginning at 8:30 am. Puja will be followed by tea and jeweled rice. Please join us! (About 1-1/2 hours)...

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