ON ZOOM. Friday January 15. 10 am to 12 Noon and 2 – 4 pm.
For more information contact Fred Cooper at cooper.santafe.edu or Hilece at hilece.r@gmail.com.
Earth Journey & the Herman Rednick Trust
and the Sanghas of Kagyu Mila Guru and Kagyu Shenpen Kunchab
take pleasure in hosting Dr. Fred Cooper
who will give instructions on the Practice of Green Tara
Zabtik Drolma Mandal ChoGa (Tib. ཟབ་ཏིག་’ོལ་ཆོག), ‘The Mandala Ritual from
The Profound Essence of Tara called the Essence of the Two Accumulations’
a practice of Green Tara revealed as a mind terma by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa
and put into Sadhana form by Jamgon Kongtrul.
The first teaching will be Friday Jan. 15 10am – Noon & 2 – 4 pm
The teaching will be held over ZOOM. Registrants will be given instructions for joining the teaching. Suggested donation is $20. For more information contact Fred Cooper: fredcath@earthlink.net, or Hilece: hilece.r@gmail.com. Texts, if needed will be provided to all registrants.