At KSK, we continue to shelter in place, doing our practices, and sending prayers out for everyone who is suffering in any way. We are most grateful for all your kind wishes and prayers.
In addition to the CoVid-19 pandemic that still threatens, the United States has been upended by civil unrest resulting from the police killing of an unarmed, handcuffed black man, George Floyd, in Minneapolis. This incident has reverberated all over the world as we recognize the inequalities and suffering manifest because of race, ethnicity, class, and gender in our society. We must consider this inequality in our practices and also in our intentions and actions, acting in such a way that we are able to reverse racism and to address the balance of power and wealth in our world.
The Lamas encourage us all to recite whatever practices and mantras we know with sincere motivation, and to act ethically and kindly toward others. Tonglen may be especially useful in these troubling times. There is much turmoil and stress in the world and our practices and intentions are especially important. May we all do our best and create the conditions for the most positive changes to take place!