Kalu Rinpoche in New Mexico


TAOS (Tres Orejas)   May 23-24   AMULET MAHAMUDRA

TRUTH or CONSEQUENCES   May 27-28   NIGUMA & CHENREZIG empowerments.

Select the Event on the events calendar for  details and contact information.


  1. Reply
    Larry Ahl says:

    My partner David Miles and I met someone who is involved with your group in Santa Fe. David and I live in Albuquerque, and have been students of Ven. Mingyur Rinpoche for some years now, and participate quite a lot with the group remotely in Portland, via the web. We also had been up to Portland twice last year to receive teaching and to visit. We know the people in the Tergar group there for some years. We met Bret at the Tergar retreat in St. Paul, MN last week. The Tergar event was at St Thomas University in St Paul, MN. Bret said she is not returning to SantaFe just yet, but went on to Portland, OR, which is where we are from. Anyway, she has our contact information, but the real reason that I am reaching out to your sangha is that I feel some connection to HE Kalu Rinpoche, and feel that my development in practice leads me to your group, in a more specific way with regard to the Lineage I feel. We wish to make some contribution, and see about making a visit to Santa Fe in the near future. I understand that there had been renovations there earlier, which probably had disrupted our visiting before this, as the stupa facility was under some remodeling we were told. Anyway, please contact us when you have time, as per my email. Thanks. Larry Ahl We look forward to corresponding and joining your mailing list, and request to be added to your email distribution list. Thanks again.

    • Reply
      Marmika Paskiewicz says:

      Hi Larry,

      Thank you so much for reaching out! We rejoice in your practice with the Terger group. I’ve added you to the mailing list. We would love to have you more involved in our group. We practice regularly on Sundays and Wednesdays, you are welcome to come to those practices, and you can also join via Zoom. If you make the trek to our center, the stupa is open during the Sunday practices of Green Tara, Sitting Meditation, and Chenrizig, and during the Wednesday evening Chenrizig practice. If you would like to make a financial contribution, you can do so by clicking the “donate” button on our website.

      I think I addressed your questions, but if not, please reply to let me know how else I can help.

      KSK Buddhist Center

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