Dr. Fred Cooper, KSK Board President, is hosting practices over Zoom. It’s easy to join. Just send Fred an e-mail (cooper@santafe.edu) and he’ll put you on the list for the practice(s) you’d like to do, and send you a link the day of the practice. Currently Chenrezig practice is at 7:00 pm on Wednesday and Sitting Meditation & Tonglen on Sunday 10:30 am – Noon. If you are a practitioner of Chöd, Fred will also be hosting that on line as well.
Eleanor Bristol says:
May 3, 2020 at 6:03 pmI heard today that you are doing Green Tara practice online. Is that true?
Marmika Paskiewicz says:
June 17, 2020 at 11:56 pmHi Eleanor,
Please email Fred Cooper at cooper@santafe.edu to find out about Zoom practices of Green Tara and Sitting Meditation on Sundays, and Chenrezig on Wednesday. Hope to see you there!
Fred Cooper says:
July 31, 2020 at 12:55 amWe do the short Green Tara practice every Sunday at 8 AM. I can send you the text if you want to Join.
Phil Seiflein says:
August 28, 2020 at 2:36 pmIt would be nice to have an address, contact info, and maybe a map on your nice website
Marmika Paskiewicz says:
September 16, 2020 at 2:59 pmHi Phil,
We do have all that information under “Visit Us” which you’ll find at the top right of the Home Page. However, I’ll look at having it on the bottom of the home page too – that might be more accessible for some. Many thanks, Marmika